Aluminium Powder Applications Suppliers Maintenance

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Aluminium powder is a fine granular powder made from aluminium metal. It is commonly used for a variety of industrial applications due to its unique properties. This guide provides a detailed overview of aluminium powder, its manufacturing process, types, characteristics, applications, specifications, suppliers, installation, operation, maintenance, and more.

What is Aluminium Powder?

Aluminium powder is a finely divided granular powder form of aluminium metal. It is made by finely grinding aluminium metal into a powder. The particles are under 75 microns in size, making them a fine powder.

Aluminium powder is lightweight, silvery-grey in color, and flammable. It also exhibits high thermal and electrical conductivity. When exposed to air, aluminium powder forms a thin protective oxide layer that prevents further oxidation. This oxide layer allows the powder to be used in high temperature applications.

Manufacturing Process

Aluminium powder is manufactured using various processes:

Mechanical Comminution

In this process, aluminium ingots are mechanically crushed and ground into a fine powder. Milling machines equipped with grinding balls or bars are used to grind the metal into a powder. The powder particle size and morphology can be controlled by adjusting the milling time, speed, and grinding tool used.


Molten aluminium is converted into a powder by pumping the melt through a nozzle at high pressure into a stream of compressed air or inert gas. The melt breaks up into fine droplets which solidify into powder particles. This produces powder with a spherical morphology ideal for additive manufacturing.

Chemical Methods

Aluminium salts are chemically reduced using reducing agents to produce very fine aluminium powder. Common reducing agents include sodium, calcium, magnesium, lithium hydrides. This method allows precise control of particle size and purity.


Aluminium powder can be produced through electrolytic deposition from solutions containing aluminium ions. The particle size and morphology is controlled by the electrolytic conditions.

Aluminium Powder Types

There are several common types of aluminium powder classified by their production method, particle shape, and particle size:

Type Description
Atomized Powder Spherical powder produced by atomization, often used in additive manufacturing applications
Flaked Powder Irregular, flake-like particle morphology produced by mechanical comminution
Granular Powder Coarse, granular powder with particle size above 75 microns
Fine Powder Extra fine powder with particles under 10 microns suitable for chemical applications
Pyro Powder Flaky powder with very high purity made by chemical reduction method


The main characteristics of aluminium powder are:

  • Lightweight – density between 1.0-3.0 g/cm3
  • Silvery-gray color
  • Spherical or irregular morphology
  • Particle sizes ranging from 1 to 1000 microns
  • High thermal conductivity up to 237 W/mK
  • Electrical conductivity of 37.7 x 106 S/m
  • Melting point of 660°C
  • Flammable – can combust when exposed to heat, sparks, or flames
  • Prone to oxidation – forms thin oxide layer in air
  • Insoluble in water
aluminium powder
PREPed Metal Powders

Applications of Aluminium Powder

Aluminium powder has several industrial and commercial applications due to its versatile properties:

Application Description
Pyrotechnics Used in manufacture of fireworks, flares, explosives due to its highly exothermic oxidation reaction
Thermite Reactions Used with metal oxides to produce intense heat from aluminothermic reaction, used for welding
Additive Manufacturing Atomized aluminium powder can be used in additive manufacturing like selective laser sintering, direct metal laser sintering etc.
Automotive Paints Used as a pigment in automotive paints to provide a silvery, sparkling effect
Printing Inks Used in metallic inks for gravure and flexographic printing
Anti-Corrosion Pigments Added to paints and coatings to provide corrosion resistance as it reacts with moisture to form an oxide layer
Fuels Fine aluminium powder added to solid rocket propellants and other pyrotechnic fuels as an oxidizer
Explosives Added to explosives and propellants to improve blast yield
Pyrotechnic Effects Used to create flashes, sparks, explosions in fireworks, stage effects etc.
Thermal Spray Coatings Feedstock powder for production of aluminium coatings by thermal spraying

Aluminium Powder Specifications

Aluminium powder is available in various specifications tailored to different applications:

Particle Size

  • Ultra fine powder – 1 to 10 μm
  • Fine powder – 10 to 75 μm
  • Coarse powder – 75 to 1000 μm

Particle Morphology

  • Spherical
  • Irregular flake
  • Granular


  • Commercial grade – 92 to 98% aluminium
  • High purity – 99% to 99.9% aluminium

Other Specifications

  • Tap density
  • Bulk density
  • Flow rate
  • Color
  • Loss on ignition
  • Passing through specific mesh sizes

Aluminium Powder Safety

As aluminium powder is flammable and prone to dust explosion risks, proper safety precautions must be taken:

  • Avoid ignition sources like sparks, flames, heat
  • Ground equipment to dissipate static charge buildup
  • Use spark resistant tools
  • Ensure adequate ventilation to prevent dust accumulation
  • Store in cool, dry place in sealed containers
  • Use dust explosion proof electrical equipment
  • Wear appropriate PPE – gloves, goggles, mask
  • Follow all applicable safety regulations for handling metallic powders

Aluminium Powder Suppliers

There are many suppliers providing various grades of aluminium powder:

Supplier Location Products
Toyal America Inc USA Atomized, flaked, granular, high purity
Hunan Gold Metal Powder China Atomized, spherical, flaked
Henan Yuanyang Powder China Ultra fine, pure, flaked
ECKA Granules Germany Flaked, atomized, alloyed
Valimet Inc USA Flaked, atomized, high purity

Typical pricing for aluminium powder varies between $5 to $50 per lb depending on purity, particle size and morphology. Custom particle sizes and purities can also be produced to order for higher pricing.

Aluminium Powder Equipment Guide

Key equipment used in aluminium powder processing includes:

Equipment Description
Ball Mills For grinding aluminium ingots into powder through mechanical comminution
Jet Mills Impact mill for reducing powder to fine particle sizes through particle collisions
Air Classifiers For precise separation of powder fractions by particle size
Sieves For separating powder into specific mesh sizes
Blenders For blending, mixing different powder materials
Hoppers For handling powder discharge from mills, storage and transfer
Fume Extraction For safely collecting and filtering fine aluminium dust

The mills, classifiers, sieves, blenders should be designed specifically for handling metallic powders. Explosion proofing, dust control, and safety systems are critical.

Aluminium Powder Installation

Proper installation procedures must be followed for aluminium powder processing equipment:

  • Equipment should be floor mounted on sturdy foundations
  • Enough clearance must be provided for safe loading and handling
  • Electrical wiring must be spark resistant and conform to relevant codes
  • Explosion vents should be oriented away from personnel
  • Sufficient ventilation and dust collection should be installed
  • Safety screens may be installed around equipment
  • Commissioning should be done to confirm safe operation

All installation must comply with local regulations and manufacturer recommendations for safe powder handling.

aluminium powder
PREPed Metal Powders

Aluminium Powder Operation

Safe operating guidelines for aluminium powder equipment:

  • Inspect equipment thoroughly before use
  • Operate feeders at recommended rates
  • Monitor temperature to avoid overheating
  • Maintain protective oxide layer on powder
  • Control air humidity to prevent moisture absorption
  • Use inert gases if needed to prevent oxidation
  • Employ adequate explosion protection systems
  • Do not overload equipment to prevent choking
  • Follow standard safety procedures for metallic powders

Adjusting operating parameters like feed rate, power, temperature allows control of particle size and morphology as needed.

Aluminium Powder Maintenance

Regular maintenance activities are required:

  • Inspect equipment routinely for wear, leaks, loose parts
  • Check mixer blades, hoppers, air filters for material buildup
  • Monitor lubrication levels, top up oil/grease as needed
  • Verify operation of safety features and explosion vents
  • Test integrity of grounding wires and electrical connections
  • Replace filters and dust collection bags regularly
  • Overhaul mills, classifiers periodically as per schedule
  • Record keeping of maintenance work for tracking

Proper maintenance improves equipment lifetime and reliability while reducing downtime. It also prevents safety issues.

How to Choose an Aluminium Powder Supplier

Important factors when selecting an aluminium powder supplier:

  • Powder specifications – particle size, shape, purity etc. should match application requirements
  • Technical expertise and experience with aluminium powders
  • Range of powder types and ability to customize if needed
  • Quality certifications and compliance with regulations
  • Safety, sustainability, and environmental policies
  • Production capacity and reliability of supply
  • Competitive pricing for small to large quantity orders
  • Responsiveness to inquiries and technical questions
  • Proximity and shipping costs
  • Excellent customer service and technical support

Samples should be obtained to verify powder quality before large purchases. New suppliers should be evaluated carefully to ensure they meet expectations.

Aluminium Powder Pros and Cons

Pros Cons
Lightweight and inexpensive Highly flammable and explosion risk
Excellent thermal and electrical conductivity Prone to oxidation in air
Reflective silver color Requires careful handling to prevent contamination
Inert, non-toxic, and non-magnetic Lower structural strength than alloyed forms
Versatile applications across industries Limited use at high temperatures due to low melting point
Recyclable and sustainable Powder form may cause dust inhalation hazards
Flexible production methods for different types Surface oxide layer inhibits sintering and powder metallurgy

Aluminium Powder vs Alternatives

Compared to other metal powders, aluminium has advantages and disadvantages:

Vs Steel Powder

  • Lighter in weight
  • Lower melting point
  • Lower structural strength when sintered
  • More reactive and prone to oxidation

Vs Copper Powder

  • Lower cost
  • Lower density and weight
  • Lower electrical and thermal conductivity

Vs Nickel Powder

  • Much lower cost
  • Lower corrosion resistance
  • Melts at lower temperature

Vs Titanium Powder

  • Significantly lower cost
  • Lower strength to weight ratio
  • Less biocompatible for medical uses

So aluminium strikes a balance of moderate cost, weight, and properties between steel, copper, nickel, and titanium powders. It offers the best value for many applications where light weight and conductivity are priorities.

Aluminium Powder Industry Outlook

The global aluminium powder market size was over $1 billion in 2022 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of over 6% from 2023 to 2030. Key driving factors for growth:

  • Rising demand from additive manufacturing and 3D printing industry
  • Increasing use in automotive paints and pigments
  • Growing adoption in pyrotechnics and explosives
  • Opportunities from lightweighting trends across industries
  • Development of new aluminium alloys powders with enhanced properties
  • Demand from emerging economies industrialization

Asia Pacific currently dominates the aluminium powder market accounting for over 45% share. However, North America and Europe are also significant consumers due to rising adoption in additive manufacturing. Leading players in the industry include Alcoa, Toyal America, ECKA Granules, and Henan Yuanyang Powder.

Overall, the industry outlook remains positive supported by diverse usage across sectors and technology advancements. Challenges include volatile raw material prices, need for improved occupational safety, and environmental considerations.

aluminium powder


Q: How is aluminium powder made?

Aluminium powder is made by finely grinding aluminium metal into a powder using mechanical milling or atomization processes. Aluminium ingots or scrap are milled into a powder and then classified by particle size.

Q: What is atomized aluminium powder?

Atomized aluminium powder is produced by pumping molten aluminium through a high pressure nozzle. The melt breaks up into fine droplets which solidify into spherical powder particles ideal for additive manufacturing applications.

Q: What is the typical particle size of aluminium powder?

Aluminium powder particles range from 1 to 1000 microns. Fine powder is 10-75 microns, while coarse powder is 75-1000 microns in size. Ultrafine powder with 1-10 micron particles is also produced.

Q: What are the risks when working with aluminium powder?

Aluminium powder is flammable and prone to dust explosions. Precautions are required to prevent ignition, explosions, and inhalation. Proper grounding, ventilation, and safety equipment must be used.

Q: What are some applications for aluminium powder?

Key applications include pyrotechnics, additive manufacturing, paints & pigments, explosives, propellants, welding, thermite reactions, and production of aluminium coatings or parts by sintering.

Q: Does aluminium powder oxidize and corrode?

Aluminium powder forms a thin surface oxide layer when exposed to air. This protects the underlying aluminium from further oxidation. However, the oxide layer can inhibit sintering and lower conductivity.

Q: What are the alternatives to aluminium powder?

Alternatives include powders of metals like iron, copper, nickel, and titanium. However, aluminium offers a lightweight and moderately priced option between these materials.

Q: How should aluminium powder be stored?

Aluminium powder should be stored in cool, dry, sealed containers away from moisture, sources of heat, flames, or sparks to prevent oxidation and explosion hazards.

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