Titanium Silicon Powder

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Overview of titanium silicon powder

Titanium silicon powder is an alloy powder composed of titanium and silicon. It offers a unique combination of properties that make it suitable for a wide range of applications.

Some key advantages of titanium silicon powder include:

  • High strength-to-weight ratio
  • Good corrosion and oxidation resistance
  • Ability to withstand high temperatures
  • Low thermal expansion coefficient
  • Non-toxic and biocompatible

Titanium silicon powder can be produced through various methods such as gas atomization, mechanical alloying, and thermal plasma synthesis. The composition and properties can be tailored by adjusting the Ti/Si ratio as well as production parameters.

titanium silicon powder

Titanium Silicon Powder Types

Titanium silicon powder is available in various compositions, particle sizes, and morphologies depending on the production method and intended application:

Type Typical Composition Particle Size Morphology
Ti-6Si 6% Si, balance Ti 15-45 μm Spherical
Ti-10Si 10% Si, balance Ti 106-250 μm Irregular
Ti-15Si 15% Si, balance Ti 45-106 μm Flaky

Ti-6Si powder with small, spherical particles offers good flowability for additive manufacturing. Ti-10Si irregular powder is suitable for thermal spraying. Ti-15Si flaky morphology provides increased surface area for sintering applications.

Titanium Silicon Powder Composition

The silicon content in titanium silicon powder can range from 6% to 15%. Silicon improves the strength, elastic modulus, and high-temperature properties of titanium. It also refines the microstructure leading to better ductility and fracture toughness.

With higher silicon additions, issues like difficult workability and increased brittleness start to emerge. So optimal Si additions are application dependent – around 6% for additive manufacturing, 10% for thermal spraying, and 15% for sintering.

Trace impurities in titanium silicon powder from the production process can include:

Impurity Typical Composition
Oxygen (O) 0.15%
Nitrogen (N) 0.05%
Carbon (C) 0.08%
Iron (Fe) 0.30%

Controlling impurity levels is crucial for powder quality as they can negatively impact mechanical properties.

Titanium Silicon Powder Properties

Key properties of titanium silicon powder include:

Property Typical Values
Density 4.1-4.5 g/cm3
Melting Point 1600-1700°C
Thermal Conductivity 6.7-10.5 W/mK
Electrical Resistivity 1.7-1.75 μΩ.m
Young’s Modulus 110-160 GPa
Poisson’s Ratio 0.32-0.34
Oxidation Resistance Up to 700°C in air

With higher silicon content, density, elastic modulus and resistivity increase, while thermal conductivity decreases. Optimizing these properties expands the applicability of titanium silicon powders.

Titanium Silicon Powder Applications

Some major application areas of titanium silicon powder include:

Industry Applications Benefits
Aerospace Turbine blades, landing gear High strength, temperature resistance
Automotive Engine parts, valves Wear and corrosion resistance
Biomedical Implants, devices Biocompatible, non-toxic
Additive Manufacturing 3D printed components Low density, good printability
Thermal Spray Coatings High hardness and wear resistance

The tailored composition and properties of titanium silicon powders make them suitable for these critical applications across industries.

titanium silicon powder

Titanium Silicon Powder Specifications

Titanium silicon powders are available under various international and industrial specifications:

Standard Grades Particle Size Impurities
ASTM B981 Grade 5, 23 63-150 μm Fe, C, N limits
AMS 4995 Type A, B, C 45-125 μm O, N, C limits
AP&C TSi6, TSi10 20-63 μm Custom composition

Specifications dictate particle size distribution, morphology, flow characteristics, apparent density as well as stringent limits on impurities. Meeting certification standards is essential for quality control assurance.

Titanium Silicon Powder Market Suppliers

Some of the major global suppliers of titanium silicon powder include:

Company Production Capacity Prices
AP&C 1500 tons per year $55-75 per kg
TLS Technik 1000 tons per year $45-90 per kg
AMETEK 500 tons per year $60-120 per kg
Sandvik 250 tons per year $75-150 per kg

Pricing is driven by order volume, powder composition, particle characteristics and level of quality control as per specifications. Larger customized orders tend to have more negotiation room on pricing terms compared to small standard lot purchases.

Pros and Cons of Titanium Silicon Powder

Pros Cons
High strength-to-weight ratio Expensive compared to steel
Excellent corrosion resistance Reactivity with oxygen at high temperatures
Good high temperature properties Lower ductility than pure titanium
Low toxicity Difficult to machine in some compositions
Customizable properties Limited suppliers and production capacity

By optimizing composition and production methods, titanium silicon powders provide unmatched performance despite some limitations.

Comparison With Alternatives

Vs Stainless Steel: More expensive but much higher strength-to-weight ratio, can withstand higher temperatures

Vs Aluminum Alloys: Higher density but better environmental stability and mechanical properties

Vs Titanium Alloys: More brittle but superior high temperature creep resistance and modulus

Vs Tungsten Alloys: Lower density and easier processability but inferior radiation shielding behavior

Among competing advanced alloys, titanium silicon powders stand out based on the tailored property mix enabled by alloying silicon with titanium.


Here are some common FAQs about titanium silicon powder:

Q: What is titanium silicon powder used for?

A: Titanium silicon powder is used to manufacture high-performance components for aerospace, automotive, biomedical devices, additive manufacturing, thermal spray coatings, etc. due to its excellent strength, temperature resistance, and biocompatibility.

Q: Does titanium silicon powder contain titanium and silicon?

A: Yes, it is an alloy powder composed of both titanium and silicon in varying ratios such as Ti-6Si, Ti-10Si based on the designated composition.

Q: What processing methods can use titanium silicon powder?

A: Key processing routes include additive manufacturing (3D printing), powder injection molding, thermal spraying, powder metallurgy including pressing & sintering, hot isostatic pressing (HIP), and heat treatment.

Q: What are the mechanical properties of titanium silicon powder?

A: Its density ranges from 4.1-4.5 g/cm3, elastic modulus 110-160 GPa, strength 500-1100 MPa, elongation 5-15%, and max use temperature up to 700°C in air. Properties depend on composition and processing.

Q: Does titanium silicon powder require special storage or handling?

A: It rapidly oxidizes above 500°C forming brittle surface oxides. So inert gas sealing and limited moisture is necessary during storage and handling to control contamination.

Q: What are the alternatives to using titanium silicon powder?

A: Alternatives include stainless steels, titanium alloys, aluminum alloys, and tungsten alloys. But titanium silicon provides the best balanced property mix of strength, density, stiffness, biocompatibility and high-temperature stability.

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