Molybdenum Disulfide Anti-wear and Friction Engineering Cases

Molybdenum Disulfide Anti-wear and Friction Engineering Cases

Molybdenum Disulfide Anti-wear and Friction Engineering Cases

Technical Solutions
Titanium crystal core processing technology
Molybdenum disulfide self-lubricating anti-friction coating technology
Superlubricated Graphite Schiff oil coating technology
High strength molybdenum disulfide bead distribution technology
Molybdenum disulfide resistant grease technology
A composite coating resulting from the combination of five technical advantages

Technical Effect
Excellent wear reduction and lubrication
High extreme pressure (8 m² withstand 15,000 tons of pressure)
Stable performance in the -40-380°C
Low friction (coefficient of friction 0.02)
Corrosion resistance and chemical stability

Technical Solutions
High strength nanodiamond wear-resistant coating technology
Self-lubricating inlay wear material technology
Highly wear-resistant molybdenum disulfide coating technology
Long-lasting molybdenum disulfide wax protection layer technology
A composite coating resulting from the combination of four technical advantages

Technical Effect
High load-bearing capacity (greater than 40 tons)
Low friction (coefficient of friction less than 0.005)
Longevity (life span of more than 50 years)

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