Titanium Gas Atomizers

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Gas atomizers are devices used to produce fine liquid sprays or mists by mixing fluids with compressed air or gasses. Titanium models provide corrosion resistance strength when atomizing reactive or hot liquids. This guide covers titanium atomizer types, properties, sizing, suppliers, pricing, and comparisons to inform industrial buyer decisions.

Titanium Gas Atomizer Overview

Titanium gas atomizers introduce compressed air into liquid streams, forming aerated sprays used across industrial processes. Key features include:

  • Material Compatibility – 100% titanium resists corrosion from reactive solvents and chemicals
  • Temperature Tolerance – Operates with liquids up to 800°F unlike polymer atomizers
  • Adjustable Spray – Droplet sizes and spray angles adaptable to applications
  • Industrial Durability – Robust commercial construction for heavy use environments
  • Reduced Clogging – Less nozzle fouling than hydraulic atomizers
  • Energy Efficient – Low air consumption versus pressure alternatives

With flexible spray characteristics and titanium metallic composition suitable for hot, acidic, alkaline or solvent-based fluids, these industrial gas atomizers serve wide-ranging global markets.

Types of Titanium Gas Atomizers

Titanium gas atomizers come in various configurations and nozzle designs:

Type Description Typical Uses
External Mix Air mixes with liquid at nozzle outlet General low-flow spraying
Internal Mix Fluids intersect internally Fine droplet distribution
Rotary Atomizer Spinning disk creates mist Uniform wide dispersal
Ultrasonic High frequency vibration Narrow droplet distribution

Table 1. Primary varieties of titanium gas atomizer nozzles and their niche applications

Internal mix atomizers generate the finest but lower flow rate mists. Rotary disks offer higher throughput across wider areas. Users select nozzle types balancing spray properties against liquid flow demands.

titanium gas atomizer

Composition of Titanium Gas Atomizers

Constructed from corrosion-resistant titanium alloys, materials include:

  • Commercial Grade 1 Titanium – 99% high purity titanium metal. Most cost-effective.
  • Ti-6Al-4V – Aluminum and vanadium alloyed. Increased tensile strength.
  • Ti-3Al-2.5V – Aluminum and vanadium alloyed. Excellent corrosion resistance for hot acids. Used in desulfurization.

Table 2. Common titanium alloys utilized to fabricate gas atomizer nozzle bodies and components exposed to liquids

When selecting alloy grades, evaluate fluid reactivity against cost. Use higher strength but more expensive alloys only when Grade 1 titanium cannot withstand the intended liquid chemistry long-term.

Titanium Gas Atomizer Properties and Characteristics

Titanium gas atomizers provide:

Corrosion Resistance: Titanium resists virtually all organic and inorganic acids, chlorides, chlorines and solvents providing longevity with aggressive chemistry.

High Strength-to-weight: With strength comparable to steels but 45% the density, titanium withstands significant stresses while enabling large nozzles.

Non-Magnetic and Non-Sparking: Critical safety aspect for sensitive electronics or combustible environments.

Temperature Resistance: Titanium retains high strength and corrosion resistance up to 800°F enabling hot spraying.

Erosion Resistance: Resists droplet impingement erosion better than stainless steels, ideal for high velocity inlets.

Biocompatibility: Approved for food contact and medical device use unlike other metallics with leachable toxicities.

The key properties of corrosion immunity, temperature tolerance and versatile alloying enable titanium gas atomizers to outperform polymer, plastic, stainless steel or brass models in the harshest industrial liquifying services.

Sizing Considerations for Titanium Gas Atomizers

Key sizing parameters include:

  • Liquid Flow Rate: Match atomizer capacity to pump capacities. Avoid peak flow limits causing flooding.
  • Droplet Size: Finer misting requires higher air pressure and precise internal mix nozzles.
  • Spray Area: Assess coverage area needs at required droplet densities. Increase nozzle count as needed.
  • Distance: Account for spray distance, evaporation rate and drop trajectories when sizing nozzles.

Balance atomizer flow capacity against mist characteristics mandated by the process. Undersizing risks insufficient spray densities while oversizing wastes input pressure energy.

Titanium Gas Atomizer Specifications

Titanium gas atomizer models encompass:

Parameter Typical Ranges
Materials Grade 1 Ti, Ti-6Al-4V, Ti-3Al-2.5V alloys
Temperature Rating Up to 800°F
Pressure Rating 150-300 psi inlet pressures
Flow Rates 1 to 30 GPM per nozzle
Droplet Sizes 5 to 500 microns
Spray Angles 10° to 110° angle nozzles

Table 3. Common specification ranges for industrial titanium gas atomizing spray nozzles

Compared to simple hydraulic nozzles, precise sizing across wider pressure and flow rates enables adapting sprays to process requirements.

Titanium Gas Atomizer Manufacturers

Top titanium atomizer equipment companies include:

Manufacturer Description
Spraying Systems Co. Leading commercial nozzle manufacturer. Broadest titanium atomizer range for industrial markets.
BETE Precision fabricated nozzles for high temperature, pressure and corrosion resistance.
Delavan Provides titanium liquid and atomizing spray nozzles across industrial OEM markets.
H.Ikeuchi Specialized ultrasonic and micro-atomizing nozzles expertise.

Table 4. Major industrial titanium gas atomizer equipment manufacturers

While other metal alloy atomizers exist, these companies provide the widest selections purpose-built from titanium specifically for reactive, hot or abrasive liquids needing smooth atomization.

Titanium Gas Atomizer Pricing

Titanium gas atomizer nozzle pricing depends on:

  • Alloy grades: Grade 1 is most affordable. Ti-6Al-4V and exotic alloys cost premiums.
  • Machining and fabrication: Tighter tolerances, surface polishes and lead times affect machining costs.
  • Flow capacity: Larger orifices handle greater liquid volumes but limit pressures.
  • Certifications: Food, medical or specialized approvals increase costs.

Small precision titanium nozzles start around $50 per nozzle rising to $500+ for large capacity, hygienic models.

Comparing Titanium vs Other Gas Atomizer Materials

The key tradeoffs between nozzle body materials appear below:

Parameter Titanium Brass Stainless Steel Plastic/Polymer
Corrosion Resistance Highest resistance to nearly all chemicals and temperatures up to 800°F Susceptible to organic acids, chlorides, H2S, amines requiring coatings Prone to pitting and crevice corrosion in hot chlorides and acids Wide chemical resistance but lower max temperature limits
Strength Retains high strength across all temperatures. 45% less dense than steel. Sufficient until yielding point above 450°F Loses strength rapidly above 500°F Very low strength limits nozzle sizes
Cost 3X-10X cost of steel. Precision machining required. Inexpensive material cost offset by coatings Low material cost but high fabrication expense Cheapest materials but shortest replacement cycles

Table 5. Comparing titanium against alternative metallic and plastic gas atomizer body materials

For extreme liquid chemistry applications, titanium’s corrosion immunity justifies 10 times metallic equipment cost premiums through nozzle longevity while avoiding downstream contamination.

Pros and Cons of Titanium Gas Atomizers

Advantages of titanium gas atomizers include:

  • Withstand virtually any liquid chemistry without corrosion
  • Tolerates contact with temperatures up to 800°F unlike plastics
  • Provides fine droplet sizes unattainable via hydraulic nozzles
  • Lower clogging risk improves uptime versus hydraulic nozzles
  • Adjustable spray patterns adapt to process requirements

Limitations to note:

  • 10-50 times cost premium over common steel nozzles
  • Fabrication requires precision machining adding lead times
  • Larger diameters require forged manufacturing
  • Auxiliary components dictate compatibility lifespan

Properly applying titanium – only where needed for corrosion and temperature resistance versus cheaper materials like steel – allows balancing benefits against higher equipment expense.

titanium gas atomizer


Q: Can titanium gas atomizers spray viscous liquids or those with solids?

A: No, titanium atomizers are incompatible with particulates that can erode small nozzles. Filters down to 10 microns must pre-treat liquids.

Q: What gas pressures do titanium atomizers need?

A: Minimum 60 psi is required. Optimal pressures range from 100-300 psi to balance droplet formation with energy efficiency.

Q: What colors are available for titanium gas atomizers?

A: Natural titanium or anodization processes allow color coding nozzles. But colorization can impact surface hardness and chemical resistance.

Q: Can titanium gas atomizers work underwater?

A: No. The mechanisms depend on introducing compressed air or gas to generate droplets which would dissipate underwater.

Q: How long does titanium last in sulfuric acid?

A: Properly selected alloys provide essentially infinite pump life with H2SO4 between 0-80% and 21°F up to 300°F assuming regular maintenance.

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